Monday, February 5, 2007
Mommie Dearest's first lesson update...
Well, aside from some technical issues on the part of Blogger, mom did very well last night. We logged in, typed some text, made it colored, made it bold, made it italicized, and made some links. Of course, we deleted most of our practice posts --- but, all in all, it went well. Tomorrow, we will learn how to post pictures... :)
The Daily Lizzard is a blog by Lizzie Sue --- recording the random thoughts and goings-on in the life of a visual merchandising professional.
I am a native New Yorker [recently transplanted to Connecticut!] with 20+ years of visual merchandising experience.
I enjoy orchid collecting and cross-country skiing. Every day, I am getting better at blogging and posting my pictures...with the patient help of my daughter!
Musical Goodness
-- Music from Lizzard's Jazz Lounge --
Shuffled at random for your listening pleasure!